Jerry Novotny OMI
*Updated Daily:
September 20, 2024

Breaking News

Pope Francis: "Doing an Abortion is Killing a Human Being"
"Migration," Pope Francis continued, "is a right, it is a right that is in the Scripture. It [is] in the Old Testament." Addressing abortion, the Pope stated that "science says: at the month of conception there are all the organs of a human being. All of them! Doing [an abortion] is killing a human being. You like the word or you don't like... but it is killing."

Mandating insurance coverage for IVF will not boost fertility
Recently, Trump proposed that insurance companies be required to cover in vitro fertilisation (or IVF), so it's worth asking: does subsidising IVF boost fertility? As this brief will show, the answer is no. Free IVF has no effect on fertility.

Why do AI bots always lean Left?
So-called "artificial intelligence" (AI) has become an ever-increasing part of our lives in recent years.

'The Sun will rise tomorrow and men still won't be women'
The question 'What is a woman?' ought to have an obvious answer - an adult, human female. For millennia, sex has been understood as a matter of biology. But in Australia, womanhood has effectively been redefined in law to be inclusive of men.

Kamala Harris: It's "Immoral" to Protect Babies From Abortion
Kamala Harris promised a presidency that "brings values" that demean pro-life laws protecting unborn children as "immoral," while endorsing a national abortion expansion during a poorly moderated debate with former President Donald Trump.

Raising a Family in the Digital Age: A Technology Guide for Parents
The purpose of this guide is to educate parents and other adults working with and mentoring children (such as pastors, teachers, coaches, etc.) on the real threats and harms that today's social media platforms and digital technologies pose to our children and to equip parents with practical tools and resources to help them best protect their children.

Decline in Religion is Hurting Birth Rates, Secular People Don't Value Families
A decline in religion is likely to lead to a decline in fertility, according to a new analysis from statistician Ryan Burge.

New use of cluster bombs threatens global ban, report warns
Cluster bomblets continue to kill thousands of civilians, mostly children, and the new use of this predominantly outlawed class of weapons is threatening efforts to universally ban them, according to a new report published on Monday.

The Bizarre Alliance Between Transgenderism and Abortion
At first glance, the issues of abortion and LGBTQ appear unrelated. Same-sex relationships are sterile and can't result in pregnancy. But the homosexual movement has actively inserted itself into the abortion debate because both the trans and pro-abortion movements are built on a shared philosophy: sexual license that accepts no sexual limitations from church, state, or culture.

'Incalculable cost' of conflict on the lives of children
The damage that war leaves on young learners' bodies, minds and spirits, "from injuries and loss of life to abduction, forced displacement, sexual violence, recruitment to the fighting, and lost opportunities".

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Society Dehumanizing Unborn Babies

Why this evil-disposed attack on procreation today? Procreation, the sexual activity of conceiving and bearing a biological offspring, is gradually being equalized with the phrase "profit and power at any cost". Just look around. Big industry extending its strong influence over procreation and changing the meaning through manufacturing, engineering and controlling. For example, babies are made by IVF. What is IVF? In Vitro Fertilization: An egg is fertilized by injecting a single sperm into the egg or mixing the egg with sperm in a petri dish. In the process, on the average of 24 tiny lives die in order for one life to survive. Another example: Desired embryos are implanted in a uterus. The big question is: Whose uterus? The mother's? A rented one (surrogacy)? An artificial womb? Yes, we are approaching a biotechnological breakthrough. Ectogenesis, the invention of a complete external womb, could completely change the nature of human reproduction. Several years ago, researchers at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia announced their development of an artificial womb. Continue reading at Fr. Jerry's Blog...

Ethical Perspectives

New! Shouldn't We Have Rape Abortion Exceptions to Help Victims?

Brian Clowes
From an ethical and logical standpoint, a baby conceived through violence is as blameless and innocent as one conceived in marriage and is therefore deserving of the same protection. If you challenge a person to look at two babies, one conceived in a loving marriage and the other through the violent act of rape, that person will not be able to tell them apart. Either all preborn babies are worth saving, or none of them are.

New! A Walz to the White House?

Kurt Mahlburg
When Trump picked JD Vance as his running mate, the legacy press held Vance's feet to the fire, with hard-hitting, wall-to-wall coverage that interrogated the Ohio senator's life story, his policy positions, his political alliances, and the ins and outs of his relationship to the 45th president. The fourth estate did its job, in other words - helping Americans understand Trump's heir apparent, and ensuring he was thoroughly vetted for the job. If only the same could be said of their treatment of Kamala Harris' VP pick, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz.

New! The world is running out of children as global birthrates collapse

Steven Mosher
The collapse in birth rates that began in post-war Europe has, in the decades since, spread to every single corner of the globe. Many nations are already feeling this death spiral, filling more coffins than cradles each year.

New! Flourishing at the End of Life

Xavier Symons
Dying is part of life, but most people dread their final days. The end of life, which often takes the form of protracted terminal illness, can involve significant pain and suffering as well as functional limits in day-to-day living. Is it still possible for human beings to flourish at the end of life?

New! Ukraine and the Morality of Foreign Policy

Carson Holloway
I agree with Professor Charles that a decent and just approach to politics must be informed by this elementary moral rule, even in the realm of international relations. At the same time, it is also important to note that the application of the parable to a problem like the Ukraine war is not as simple as Charles's account suggests.

Politics and Principles
A primer for young people on what it means to vote responsibly

Douglas McManaman
It is wonderful to see more and more people watching presidential debates, but one has to wonder about the use of it all when so few are able to evaluate a debate on the basis of truth and the issues, when most people today score a debate as they would a boxing match (i.e., which one was more aggressive, who threw the most zingers, who was more condescending, etc). We do not live in a culture that fosters a spirit of genuine debate, because debate is no longer about truth, but power.

The patriotism of small families

Marcus Roberts
And the dark peripheries of population control in India are not solely in the past. An MP aligned with the ruling party has introduced a private members bill (not a piece of government legislation) that, if passed, would impose penalties on people who have more than two children. The Population Regulation Bill of 2019 would disqualify anyone with more than two children from entering local or national politics.

Babies Are Not Biohazards

Judie Brown
Anyone with common sense realizes that no baby is hazardous to the environment. In fact, one of them may well grow up to save our planet by working to preserve God's design rather than following the folly of man.

Conflict of Interests Haunt Weissman, NAS, Bioethics and California Institute for Regenerative Medicine

Dianne N. Irving
As physician Irving Weissman, progenitor of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM), continues to scare audiences around the world with his Russian "ghost" stories, attention is successfully diverted from the "regulatory" crisis facing his CIRM: a multitude of conflict of interests.

Sri Lanka: Kondaya, Raised to the Status of Mysterious Criminal

Asia Human Rights
The name Kondaya is now a household name, following the tragic Sadewmi case, the abduction, rape and murder of a little girl of around 4 years.

While Admitting Risks, WHO Continues to Recommend Injectable Contraceptives for Women at High Risk of Contracting HIV

Steven Mosher
The WHO's recommendation that injectable contraceptive drugs be administered freely to women at high risk of contracting HIV is contrary to women's human rights. The WHO's MEC category 2 will do little to mitigate the potential harm that women using these drugs could face if injectable contraceptives do in fact increase women's risk for contracting HIV. Until injectable contraceptives like DMPA and NET-EN can be proven safe, they should not be given to women who are at risk for an HIV infection.

"There will be casualties"

Michael Cook
Euthanasia activists in Australia, the UK and the Netherlands have lost touch with reality.

Brave New World is Already Here

Mark Oshinskie
Even if genetic manipulation never becomes possible, the eugenic age has already begun and is widely accepted by our consumerist society. If prospective parents don't like their unborn's genes, they can -- and often do -- end the life tested. In California, for example, 90% of fetuses diagnosed with Down's syndrome are aborted.

Protecting the Body: Principles for the Future

R. J. Snell
Perhaps ours is the last generation with recognizable bodies, but it would be quite terrible if these new bodies were incapable of fully human lives, however insecure and vulnerable these lives of ours may be.

Are organ donors really dead?

Xavier Symons
What does it mean for a human being to "die"? This question is more complex than one might think. In the domain of vital organ procurement, there is significant disagreement about the criteria that we should employ to assess when someone has died.